Gift Guides

Roman Holiday

July 26, 2010
Fern Leaf Hair Comb

Quick! If you could live in any ancient era which would you pick?

For me: Ancient Rome. Hands down. Or at least the ancient Rome from Gladiator. Swoon. Oh, how I loved seeing Connie Nielsen’s elaborate jewelry and headbands; the layers and layers of shimmering, sumptuous fabrics framed by elegant stoles and capes; gold thread, embellishments and jewels clinging to everything she wore. And Russel Crowe wasn’t too bad to look at either;)

When this fern leaf hair comb by artist Emily Elizabeth came into the office, I fell in love! Here was something that emulated the Roman emperor/Grecian goddess-look without being too costumey. It’s elegant yet unique, and surprising versatile. I’ve worn it everywhere – at the office, out on the town, at a wedding, etc. Now, all I need is a few servants to fan me and feed me grapes while I lounge in my imperial palace…

1 Comment

  • Reply Joanna July 29, 2010 at 9:44 am

    Looking gorgeous!

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