
Top Comments of the Week

August 5, 2011

Product voting has been a huge hit so far, and we’re super excited that our community has helped us pick some amazing uncommon new goods. We get tons of feedback each week, so we’re shouting out to a few of our voting app users in response to their keen comments.

Adam said: “These portable speakers are totally awesome and perfect for UncommonGoods! Trash Amps are both sustainable and hand-made; what more could you want from a cool little speaker? Reuse It For Music!”

We’re glad you love the Trash Amp, Adam! Sounds like you’re a fan of that slogan, too. Could “Reuse it for Music” be your new mantra? We love that these little speakers are handmade, portable and an awesome upcycle.

Doreen said: “I would wear this ring every day! It’s such a lovely design that can also be considered hardcore. I like that it’s a subtle nod for those who will recognize that it’s a guitar string.”

Thanks for the feedback, Doreen! You’ll be happy to know that this item was approved by our community and it’s now available for purchase!

Jen said: “Of course you can find less expensive bags out there, but if your less expensive bags are anything like the one’s I’ve purchased, they wear out pretty quickly. Mail bags are known for lasting for ages. I think this is an awesome bag!”

Jen has a great point. Mail bags are heavy-duty. Since this tough tote is made from repurposed sacks once used by mail carriers it will stand up to the elements you face while walking your daily route.

If you enjoyed reading these fun comments from our community, visit our voting app to read more great feedback!

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