
Food for Thought: Share Your Feedback!

June 30, 2011

Our buyers are cooking up some great ideas for potential new goods, but before they make the final decisions, we need to know whether you love these tasty new designs! So far, our voters are eating up Barbara Movius’ foodie photos, drinking to American Cocktails and recommending the Strain Game as a recipe for family fun. Visit our Community Voting App to tell us whether you agree!

Photo Clutches

A clever complement to Barbara Movius’ Photo Cuffs, these sweet accessories are made from a more sustainable vinyl and lined with felt composed of 100% post-consumer recycled bottles.

Sarah said: “LOVE the cherries…”

If you love these scrumptious little bags, you might also like Barbara’s Peas and Carrots iPad Cases and Pizza Laptop Case.

American Cocktail

This clever book features drink recipes from across the country. Not only will it show you how to whip up a fine cocktail, it also gives the history behind the concoction’s star ingredient. Check out a sample recipe in our Voting App, then cast your vote!

Susan said: “Good gift for a housewarming or first-time apartment living.”

Strain Game

Fun for the Mad Scientist at heart (who doesn’t want to risk accidentally obtaining super powers through gamma radiation or  perishing in a freak lab accident) and complete with 100 cytoplasm tiles, 80 petri dish tiles, 40 organism tiles and 64 resistance tokens , the Strain Game lets you race to spawn organism, harness chain reactions and conquer the world.

Pam said: “I’d buy this for my sons. What a great way to learn about science!”

Could the Strain Game spawn hours of educational fun for your family? Vote now and let us know!

We can’t wait to see your votes and read your comments on these (and more!) potential products. When you’re through casting your votes and leaving your feedback, don’t forget to check out our new Community Approved goods!


  • Reply This Just In | Handmade | Jewelry & Accessories | UncommonGoods June 30, 2011 at 5:41 pm

    […] radiant new goods. These bright ideas are just out of our Community Voting App, and we’ve got more where that came from! Read what our voters said about these wild pillows, fun flasks and printed […]

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