
Wesla Bay Weller & the Cymbal Pendant

September 28, 2011

On Monday, judges met at ReBar in Dumbo to pick a winner from the 5 finalists that you chose in the Uncommon Jewelry Design Challenge.

From September 6 through September 16, you all left more than 5,000 comments and 10,000 votes for your favorite pieces. And there’s no doubt in my mind that the five finalists are all winners– having earned your enthusiastic support!

But in the end, we could only pick one design to receive our grand prize– $500 + a vendor agreement.

I’m so pleased to announce that Wesla Bay Weller’s clever Upbeat Cymbal Pendant is the grand prize winner.

Wesla told us:

“When I took a metalsmithing class for fun a few years back, I was captivated. I knew I wanted to create jewelry from recycled materials. Because music is my passion, I decided to give new lives to discarded parts of musical instruments.

I hope that those who wear my jewelry are inspired by the stories the instruments know, the craftsmanship of the builders, the musician’s journey of practice and play and the aspiration to a moment of pure harmony. These pieces serve as personal talismans for musicians, music-lovers and any style-savvy person with an eye for unconventional accessories.”

Wesla’s Cymbal Pendant definitely won your votes in Round 2.

Beadznbling commented: “Very good use of recycled goods. Priced well, great textures and love the mixed metal/colors.”

And here’s what our judges had to say:

Kiel Mead, jewelry designer, thought Wesla’s piece was beautifully made, and was impressed by her choice of materials. Each cymbal is slightly different, giving each wearer a one-of-a-kind look.

Style expert Jenn Falik pointed out the versatility of Wesla’s two-tone design. Her necklace is perfect for any occasion and will go with any outfit. She was also impressed by the blending of delicate and tough elements and use of reclaimed materials.

Erin Fergusson, our jewelry buyer, loved the uniqueness of the piece. When you look at this necklace, at first glance, you don’t see the whole story. But when you look closer and see the grooves of the cymbal and the twist of the guitar string, you know this necklace has depth.

Check out the rest of the pics from the judging:

Created with flickr slideshow.
Congratulations to Wesla and to everyone who entered the challenge. We were so impressed with your work, that we’ll be holding another Jewelry Design Challenge again soon. And you can check out our Ceramics Design Challenge, going on now, for opportunities to share your best work in clay and vote for the best new emerging potters and ceramicists.


  • Reply Laurie Young September 28, 2011 at 10:24 pm

    Yay! Great choice, beautiful necklace!! So happy to see this piece was the winner.

  • Reply Cymbal Pendant | Design Contest | UncommonGoods | Cool Jeweler September 30, 2011 at 12:06 pm

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