Gift Guides

Happy Birthday May Babies

May 1, 2012

Does someone you love have a birthday this month? Enter them to win a shopping spree at UncommonGoods. From now til May 31, you can tag your friend in this photo on our Facebook page and they’ll be entered to win. Leave a comment to let us know why your friend or family member is special to you, and why you hope they have a great birthday. Be sure to include their birthday! We’ll pick one lucky birthday girl or boy to receive a gift card to UncommonGoods.

And here’s the best part— you can enter as many times as you like. So if you, your mother, sister and best friend forever are all May babies, you can enter each time. If there’s no more space to tag a friend’s name, just leave a comment on the Facebook post.

You can also double your chances of winning a birthday prize for your favorite people by tweeting:

Hey @uncommongoods! Help me wish my friend @name a very happy birthday. http://unc.gd/JDvfrB

Is your birthday in May? You should enter yourself too. We know UncommonGoods shoppers are great when it comes to finding perfect gifts for the people they love, but we wouldn’t want you to forget yourself.

Treat yo self!

Congrats to our April winner: Dottie Filla Hibbeler, who was nominated by her sister Patty.

Patty says: My beautiful sister Dottie Filla Hibbeler would love an Uncommon Goods gift spree for her April 21st birthday. She is a wonderful gift giver and I’m sure if she won she would get me a cool Tocky alarm clock for nominating her. Right, Dot?


  • Reply Kelly May 15, 2012 at 9:38 pm

    Hey Uncommon Goods! I think this is a great idea, but facebook won’t let anyone tag anymore! How am I supposed to enter my glorious mother-in-law?

    Her birthday is the 26th and she deserves to win for surviving her mother and still becoming one of the most loving people to ever walk the Earth. She is one of my best friends, ever. Her heart reaches depths that rival the Mariana Trench. She has lived her life resigned to the idea that she should not have what her heart desires, but make her desires conform to her wallet. A gift like this to a store like yours woul be beyond her wildest expectations!

  • Reply cassie May 17, 2012 at 4:09 pm

    Hi, Kelly! Your mother-in-law sounds like an awesome lady! You can still enter by tagging her in a comment on the Facebook post. For another chance to win, you can also tweet @UncommonGoods.

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