
How to throw a Geek Baby Shower

July 29, 2013

How to throw a geek baby shower | UncommonGoodsA couple months ago, our staff threw a baby shower for Naomi. Hopeful for her little girl to be a tiny scientist, Naomi asked for a series of baby items with a geek theme from our assortment. We were so impressed and excited for her that we put together some crafts to throw a geeky baby shower.

Beeker plastic cups | UncommonGoodsClear plastic cups are easily transformed into beakers with the help of a marker.

Test tubes for punch! | UncommonGoodsFor those interested in taking smaller sips, test tubes are another beverage vessel choice. Plus they make the table look like a lab.

Apple Pi Cupcakes | UncommonGoodsApple Pi Cupcakes!

Geek themed cupcake toppers | UncommonGoodsWe made cupcake toppers from images we found on the web. Print out two identical images and glue with a toothpick or skewer in the middle.

Solar mobile | UncommonGoodsJust like in elementary school, a mobile of the solar system was a fun and easy project. With some paper, tempera paint, string, and cotton balls you can recreate the plants in our solar system for a colorful decoration.

Decorate with gifts | UncommonGoodsOn the tables, we used the Nerd Flashcards that Naomi requested as a gift to keep the theme going.

Naomi's Geek Baby Shower | UncommonGoodsJudging by the smile on Naomi’s face, our crafts were worth the time and papercuts!

1 Comment

  • Reply Erica Hansen September 23, 2013 at 10:31 pm

    Beautifully geeky party!! I think you might be interested in some geeky baby onesies for yourself or the fellow geeks in your life! Check us out on Facebook at lowercase tees or at our blog at http://lowercasetees.blogspot.com

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