The Uncommon Life

Uncommon Personalities: Meet Gaby Dolceamore

July 25, 2013

Meet Gaby Dolceamore | PR & Marketing | UncommonGoods

Gaby Dolceamore, UncommonGoods Community Outreach Coordinator
My hometown is…
Ventnor City, New Jersey. It’s a little beach town next to Atlantic City.

My favorite design challenge product is…
The collection of paintings from Valerie Galloway. I too love afros and striped shirts! I fell in love with her work and emailed her to tell her she should enter. Although Valerie didn’t end up winning the 2012 Art Contest, I never hesitate to remind our buyers that I “discovered” her.

I’m inspired by…
Music from the ’60s. Actually, make that anything from the ’60s.

My guilty pleasure is…
Glee and root beer floats.

An uncommon fact about me…
Coming up with a new one of these for every company meeting is daunting, but I’m going to make sure this uncommon fact is original. I have a collection of 1960s astronaut memorabilia from the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo missions. Pins, patches, dolls and magazines – anything with an astronaut’s face on it. A museum once used one of my pieces in a temporary exhibit about Apollo 1. I guess you can call me a space geek.

My favorite place to eat in New York City is…
Other than my sofa? Sun in Bloom on Bergen in Brooklyn. It’s all natural, gluten-free, vegan, and all that jazz so I don’t feel guilty when I gorge on pancakes. They also have the most amazing coffee and are a great place to chill with a book before yoga class on Sunday morning.

In 140 characters or less, @GabDolceamore is…
A dark horse running in a sorority of carousel ponies. (Bet you didn’t know I was a Twitter poet!)

Working at UncommonGoods, I’ve learned…
Pinterest is everything and the Internet is cats.

Would you rather… Have to wear the same thing for 2 weeks straight OR never get to wear your favorite outfit again?
It’s no secret that I love clothes, but I had a taste of wearing a school uniform as a kid and I kind of miss it sometimes. I would have no problem wearing leggings, a cashmere sweater, and moccasins for two weeks. There would be so much more time for me to think about other things like what’s for dinner and who is the best rock’n’roll drummer ever.


  • Reply A Design Challenge from Uncommon Goods October 21, 2013 at 6:00 am

    […] there! I’m Gaby Dolceamore from UncommonGoods, a Brooklyn-based online retailer that works with handmade artists across the […]

  • Reply Ceramics Design Challenge Winner Announced! | UncommonGoods May 29, 2014 at 6:04 pm

    […] a designer and the voice behind the blog Jojotastic, and our Assistant Buyer, Hannah Weber. (Gaby and I joined in on the fun by moderating the conversation and putting in our two cents when we felt […]

  • Reply Goodbye Gaby D. | UncommonGoods July 18, 2014 at 11:22 am

    […] steals the show. For the past two and half years that person has been (que in spirit fingers) Gabrielle Dolceamore. (Yes, that is her real last name. And no, you are not pronouncing it right.) Gaby has been one of […]

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