My hometown is…
Hamburg, NYThe best customer interaction I’ve had at UncommonGoods was…
This one is hard – there are a lot of memorable experiences. The ones that stick out the most are the ones where the customer went out of their way to thank me for doing something extra for them. It’s our job to make our customers happy and it’s always heartwarming to hear that our efforts are appreciated. One customer sent a photo of him and his friend holding a ‘thank you’ sign. It’s hanging up in the customer service room right now.
I’m inspired by…
New experiences. Trying something new and allowing yourself to sometimes be uncomfortable is the best way to truly experience life.
When I’m not working, I’m probably…
Planning something – the next vacation, my budget, a to-do list. I’m a planner; I just can’t help it.
An uncommon fact about me…
I’m a licensed skydiver but not a licensed driver. Does it also count that during one of my trips I used the following modes of transportation in one day? Taxi, bus, large plane, horse, small plane, boat, bike and walking.
My favorite place to hang out in New York City is…
Sunset Park. It’s a great tiny neighborhood full of multi-generational families who spend all day at the community park playing together and socializing. Sunset Park has a great community feeling to it. Plus, the best tacos EVER can be found here. Trust me – they’re amazing.
My style is…
Style? Not sure you can call what I have going on ‘style’. The rules are: I don’t iron, I don’t hand-wash, I don’t use a hair dryer, I won’t polish shoes. My clothes, shoes, and accessories need to be able to handle the rough treatment I dole out. I can always be dressed and out the door in 10 minutes.
Working at UncommonGoods I’ve learned…
That it’s OK to make mistakes. Really, it is. As long as you always make new mistakes. I’ve also learned that it’s OK to fail now and then. (‘Fail’ is not a bad 4-letter word around here.)
With a pile of stuff in front of me I would make…
(You’re given a carpet square, a box of nails, an empty milk crate, ribbon, a small recycling bag of empty soup cans, and a houseplant of any variety you choose.)
An awesome cat tree for my two cats to play on, complete with cat grass as the reward at the top of the tree.
Ah, Jen! I love your profile. You’re wicked awesome. (You might also notice that you’re among the people that inspire me – see my profile!)
Hi Jen, I am not sure who would be the appropriate person to request a small items donation for Dream Dachshund Rescue in Houston. We are having our Spring Fling on May 7th which includes a silent auction. We are a 501(c)3 organization. I can send a tax receipt if needed. Thank you for your time.
Hi Emily, thank you for thinking of us. At the moment, we are only making donations through our Better to Give program (http://www.uncommongoods.com/static/better.jsp?source=blog). Best of luck with your fundraiser!