The Uncommon Life

Uncommon Personalities: Meet Kathleen Bierer

April 15, 2014

Kathleen Bierer | UncommonGoods

Kathleen Bierer, UncommonGoods Senior Accountant

My hometown is…
Northumberland, PA–home of Joseph Priestley, discoverer of oxygen (yes, someone actually staked claim to that).

My best subject in school was…
Español! I studied Spanish from the sixth grade all the way through my senior year in college. I even spent a semester living with a host family in Spain so that I could improve my skills.

I’m passionate about…
Traveling. I got my first passport in elementary school and I think I’m now on my fourth one. I love visiting new countries and staying in unique places. My husband and I recently traveled to Amsterdam and stayed in a houseboat. Next up: a tree house, location TBD….

When I’m not at work, you’ll find me…
Shopping! Being relatively new to New York City means too many stores and too little time!

What I value most in life is…
My relationship with my husband. I know people always like to say nice things like “There’s someone perfect out there for everyone…”, but I just never thought that applied to me. 🙂

An uncommon fact about me…
I was the badminton champ of my high school class. Not really a useful skill, but it got me an A in gym class, which is more than any other sport would’ve done.

Working at UncommonGoods, I’ve learned…
Just how un-creative I am. This place is full of amazingly creative and interesting people. Definitely an inspirational environment!

Would you rather…be a twin at birth, or clone yourself now?
I’d much rather be a twin at birth. I have a sister who is only fourteen months older than me, so it’s pretty close to having a twin, but our personalities (or appearances) couldn’t be more different. I even wrote a whole toast (roast) for her wedding about how different we are. Having a twin who looked and acted similarly to me would be fun at times, but having a sister who’s my opposite keeps things interesting always.

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