My hometown is…
Northumberland, PA–home of Joseph Priestley, discoverer of oxygen (yes, someone actually staked claim to that).
My best subject in school was…
Español! I studied Spanish from the sixth grade all the way through my senior year in college. I even spent a semester living with a host family in Spain so that I could improve my skills.
I’m passionate about…
Traveling. I got my first passport in elementary school and I think I’m now on my fourth one. I love visiting new countries and staying in unique places. My husband and I recently traveled to Amsterdam and stayed in a houseboat. Next up: a tree house, location TBD….
When I’m not at work, you’ll find me…
Shopping! Being relatively new to New York City means too many stores and too little time!
What I value most in life is…
My relationship with my husband. I know people always like to say nice things like “There’s someone perfect out there for everyone…”, but I just never thought that applied to me.
An uncommon fact about me…
I was the badminton champ of my high school class. Not really a useful skill, but it got me an A in gym class, which is more than any other sport would’ve done.
Working at UncommonGoods, I’ve learned…
Just how un-creative I am. This place is full of amazingly creative and interesting people. Definitely an inspirational environment!
Would you rather…be a twin at birth, or clone yourself now?
I’d much rather be a twin at birth. I have a sister who is only fourteen months older than me, so it’s pretty close to having a twin, but our personalities (or appearances) couldn’t be more different. I even wrote a whole toast (roast) for her wedding about how different we are. Having a twin who looked and acted similarly to me would be fun at times, but having a sister who’s my opposite keeps things interesting always.
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