The Uncommon Life

Uncommon Personalities: Meet Kenesha Phillip

January 30, 2014
Kenesha Phillip | UncommonGoods
Kenesha Phillip, UncommonGoods Area Operations Manager

My hometown is…
St. George’s, Grenada. It’s a tiny island in the Caribbean, literally a dot on the world map.

An uncommon fact about me…
I took a year off after High School to spend time teaching underserved middle school students how to prepare for the high school. It is still one of the best experiences of my life.

Working at UncommonGoods I’ve learned…
I’ve gained some new skills, but most importantly I’ve learned to trust my instincts. Ops [Operations] can be very unpredictable. Strong instincts and a strong voice are the difference makers.

The most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen is…
My parents in love…

Something that always makes me laugh…
My best friend, we laugh at any and everything. Our time together is defined by dancing to Beyoncé and laughing.

My favorite process in the UncommonGoods Warehouse is…
I don’t have a favorite process. In the warehouse the sum is definitely greater than its parts.

If a magical being came down from the sky and offered me 3 wishes, I’d wish for…
1. Good health
2. More time with my grandmother
3. For all humans to recognize each other’s humanity (if that makes sense)

When I’m not at work, you’ll find me…
On theglamsavvylife.com dishing on accessible style, hair and my life.

Would you rather…Win the lottery, or live twice as long (with good health)?
Neither. As the poet Biggie Smalls says “Mo Money, Mo Problems” and living twice as long seems like a good excuse to waste time and take life for granted.


  • Reply 2014: a Last Look at a First-class Year | UncommonGoods January 2, 2015 at 5:30 pm

    […] the frenetic pace of our warehouse in December, Area Operations Manager Kenesha Phillip—who herself started as a seasonal Team Lead in 2012—took some time to reflect on the character […]

  • Reply Cherisse Wyatt November 19, 2015 at 8:57 am


    I’m a co-worker up on the 7th floor doing customer service. I just want to say that I think your mindset is great and it would be nice to meet you. Great minds definitely think alike! Have a good day!

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