Maker Stories

Inside the Artist’s Studio with Jen Pleasants

May 12, 2015

Jen Pleasants | UncommonGoods

On my right hand, I wear a ring every day on my index finger that reads “She believed she could, so she did.” This is my daily reminder that I’ve climbed mountains – and if I wanted to – I could climb 1,000 more. I was eager to visit Jen Pleasants’ studio, not only to tour her space, but to also personally thank her for designing something that I never take off and imprinting a mantra in my head that I’m sure I’ll never forget.

Before walking into her jewelry studio, Jen waved long crystals around me to take away any negative energy I might bring in. Although it was all in jest, I think this explained my time with Jen in a nutshell – quirky, positive, and radiating ultra hippie vibes.


Jen’s studio sits on a hill in Portola Valley, about 45 minute drive outside of San Francisco. It’s tucked in a quaint corner behind her home. Keeping it company is the beautiful backdrop of a classic Northern California view – trees, hills, more trees, and blue skies. My immediate thought was that Jen had the ultimate oasis that most designers would crave for to work on their craft. Although I was there professionally, I couldn’t help but feel like I was on a mini getaway retreat.

If Jen’s pink-streaked hair and infectious positive spirit weren’t already enough of an excuse for me to sign up for a year’s worth of yoga classes, her studio space was. From the luscious hanging succulents, to her children’s precious painted hand prints on the walls, to the many inspirational printed quotes displayed – I could really feel and see the love she built within her surroundings. This is quite fitting to her company’s name, Show the Love. Show the Love’s recycled precious metal jewelry is hand sculpted by Jen herself and invokes beauty, magic, and girl power. Meet Jen Pleasants, jewelry designer, mother of three, and self-proclaimed hippie.


What are your most essential tools?

My hands, my mind, my team, and precious metal clay!

Where do you find inspiration within this space?
I find inspiration just thinking of the people I meet who are doing great things or overcoming hardships.


Hands 2

Where does down time fit into a day in the studio?
Between taking care of my three kids and running the actual business, I don’t get nearly as much time creating or resting as I would like.

Jen and Her Daughter

Jen's Dog

What was the toughest lesson you learned as a young designer starting a business?
It is really hard to sell your own artwork. It is embarrassing and tiring to put yourself out there, but you just have to do it. Otherwise, you don’t have a business, you just have a hobby.

How did you come up with the concept of your product?
I just combined my love of sculpting with my love of inspirational quotes and voila! Show The Love was born!

What advice would you offer the you of 5 years ago?
Make time for more long walks.

Do Good | UncommonGoods

How do you set goals for yourself?
I just got a ‘Passion Planner’ as a gift (check them out on Kickstarter) and the first page was enormously helpful! You pretend the paper is magic and anything you write on it about your life will come true! I did the exercise with my kids too. It was awesome and insightful.

How and when do you decide to celebrate a victory?
Very interesting question, because I tend to gloss over what should be victory celebrations, like being funded on Kickstarter in just four days. Instead, I quickly set a new goal that I immediately started working toward. I think it is a better quality to be able to celebrate and really soak up every big milestone. I am working to be more like that because I do like to celebrate, especially if it involves a dance party!

Jen Pleasants' Studio with Living Roof

Studio Space

What quote keeps you motivated? What does that quote mean to you?
“She Believed She Could, So She Did” is one of my favorites as I honestly believe that if you are persistent and don’t give up, you can visualize your end goal, then you can attain it. So that leads to another one of my favorite quotes, from Dory in the movie Finding Nemo, “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming.”

She Believed She Could | UncommonGoods

What are some new skills you are trying to acquire to perfect your craft?
I really want to create huge Rodin-like sculptures and right now I make figures on a smaller scale. It is an art in itself just taking a small figure and making it at scale. I would love to learn to do that.

How do you recharge your creativity?
I like to lay on a hot rock in the sunshine like a turtle and take a nap. That will definitely recharge me!

Jen Pleasants Crafting Her Designs | UncommonGoods

I Speak Up Rose Gold Necklace | UncommonGoods

Where does collaboration come into play with your craft?
We like to collaborate with charities and make pieces that honor the work they are doing. They act as vehicles to help promote and raise money for causes. Show The Love exists to uplift the lives of millions through our inspirational messages and through donations to causes we believe in.


See Jen Pleasants' Collection at UncommonGoods


  • Reply 12 More Quotes that Keep Makers Motivated | UncommonGoods August 17, 2015 at 5:35 pm

    […] Jewelry Designer Jen Pleasants not only imprints “She believed she could, so she did” on some of her designs, she also truly believes in the power of those words. She even has them proudly displayed in her Portola Valley, CA studio. […]

  • Reply Inside the Artists' Studios: A Year of Creativity February 18, 2016 at 12:08 pm

    […] Check out the full Studio Tour with Jen Pleasants >> […]

  • Reply 5 Simple Steps for Entryway Designs Made Easy | UncommonGoods February 25, 2016 at 12:39 pm

    […] Beautiful, bare glass doors let in light and open up Jen Pleasants’ CA studio. […]

  • Reply How to Cultivate a Positive Workspace - The Goods | The Official Blog of UncommonGoodsThe Goods | The Official Blog of UncommonGoods July 21, 2016 at 2:56 pm

    […] note: When we visited jewelry artist Jen Pleasants for a Studio Tour earlier this year, we knew we’d found a special place we wanted to tell everyone […]

  • Reply vickie clements September 19, 2017 at 9:27 pm

    please make more Tibetan bells I missed out. they are still showing on facebook but are sold out.

  • Reply jen May 29, 2018 at 8:34 pm

    i have one left if you are still interested!

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