
How Do I Use Your Vendor Extranet?

February 24, 2016

If you Drop Ship items for us, you are most likely familiar with our Drop Ship Extranet. We’re excited to announce that 2016 brings Extranet functionality for our warehouse vendors as well!

Manage Purchase Orders
You’ll no longer need to send multiple emails throughout the Purchase Order process! The Extranet will allow you to confirm purchase orders with the click of a button, or easily notify us if there is an issue that needs to be corrected. The Extranet will store all of your open Purchase Orders, allowing you to easily review all of the inventory that is expected or on hold for us.
Ship Purchase Orders
When you are ready to ship, UPS labels can be printed directly from the Extranet, or a freight request can be easily submitted to our freight coordinators. The simple forms will guide you through the process of providing us with all the information we need. If you ship your PO using another method, add tracking to your Purchase Order and send it to our system in one easy step.
Review Your SKUs
The Extranet includes a list of all of your active warehoused SKUs that are currently live in the UncommonGoods assortment, along with cost and discount information. We encourage you to review this information regularly and notify us when there is a change.
Update Your Contact Information
Did your warehouse move? Got a new PO Box for billing? Just log into the extranet and access the Profile page to provide us with the update – what you enter here goes straight into our system and your information will be updated instantly.
Get Started!
If you haven’t already, you will soon receive an email invitation to set up your password, and then you can log in and look around. If you don’t receive an invitation, feel free to reach out to your contact in the Purchasing Department and we’ll expedite it for you. Have questions? We’re here to help – reach out to your purchasing contact or email ugvendors@ugoods.com.

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