Gift Guides

Gift Lab: Is this Cocktail Tool Truly the “Ultimate”?

January 20, 2017


The Ultimate Cocktail Bar Tool

The Ultimate Cocktail Bar Tool - UncommonGoods


I love a good cocktail, but I hate having a drawer filled with utensils that I use once every-so-often. With The Ultimate Cocktail Bar Tool, I will be able to de-clutter my utensil drawer, while not limiting my ability to make a solid realm of drinks.


Prior to conducting this study, this researcher performed an intensive ethnography in the drinking field. During nearly a 15 year-span, I worked in the restaurant biz, having jobs including host, waiter, bartender, and manager. I further entered social circles that included being a regular at two bars (Shout outs to Trooper Thorn’s in Reading, PA and LITM in Jersey City). Through this research, I found out how to make a decent cocktail and which tools were needed.


I’m going to make a few drinks to test the tool and drink them, while finding an appropriate home for this tool that will be a space saver. Please note: these experiments were performed over a time-span that was longer than a single evening.


Finding storage for the tool was a breeze. I have a magnetic knife strip holding a few key knives that had ample space for the tool. Since this picture was taken I have turned the knives so that they face toward the cabinets. I got lucky in that the smaller side of the jigger fits between the gap from the magnet and the wall.

Drink 1: Beer Bottle

I did not plan to test drive the bottle opener as I mostly drink canned Guinness at home and have an opener readily available (other bottles, a lighter, any ledge, corner, etc.). But sometimes, fate intervenes. On my way home from work I ran into a friend on the subway who manages the band Megadeth. He just got back from the release of Megadeth’s collaboration brew with Unibroue and gave me a 4-pack. Where was I? Oh, right–the bottle opener opened the bottle.

Drink 2: Summer Beer with fruit wedge

A usual summer day in the NYC region often results in impromptu rooftop hang, that often includes having a can of Tecate with a lime wedge in hand. It is a staple in my summer drink rotation and something that often needs a knife that is better off being folded down when not in use. Using the tool, I managed to slice the lime into wedges successfully. I now know what gift to bring those that are hosting summer parties that will involve lime Tecate and Margaritas.

Drink 3: Wine

I keep a Swiss Army Knife with a corkscrew along with my tailgate gear for Giants games. One complaint that I’ve had is when someone shows up with stubborn cork. Often the cork will often either break or (much worse) everyone realizes exactly how weak I am. With the cork screw attached to this gem of a tool, even stubborn corks were easily done thanks to it having a little lift like a typical bottle opener. I initially feared that I’d have to actually use strength to open using this tool, but was relieved to find that it is not the case.

Drink 4: Negroni

From my understanding is made using the following alcohol, stirred and then served with a citrus peel:

1 oz. of Gin

1 oz. of Sweet Vermouth

1 oz. of Campari

I appreciate a well done classic cocktail, but I do not feel the need to do so when I’m at home and can cater to whatever I please. Over the years, a negroni has been an after work staple for me dating back to 2011. Since that time I have made several adjustments to cater to my tastes, while always serving with a citrus peel (As far as I’m concerned, if there is no peel, there is no negroni):

1.5 oz. of Gin

2 oz. of Campari

A splash of sweet vermouth

A splash of seltzer

Depending on the evening, I will occasionally make light version of this drink, where I add more club and basically turn it into an adult soda that packs less of a punch:

Drink 5: Dirty Gin Martini (Shaken, not stirred)

After a hiatus from vodka martinis, I recently took up having an occasional dirty gin martini. To make a decent one at home, I’ve always kept a shaker handy-for those of you with limited cabinet space, you understand the difficulties of trying to find a convenient place for a shaker. It is impossible to stack in a way that is out of the way, while also handy enough to be worth retrieving just to make a drink. In order to handle this, I pulled out my on-the-go French press travel mug and along with the tool’s strainer, I was able to make an adequate martini.


The tool has allowed for me to make key drinks without once having to go into my utensil drawer. With this tool, I am confident that all of the tools I had to make cocktails in my cabinet and utensil drawer can now be replaced by a simple tool that hangs on my magnetic knife strip. As an added bonus, since this experiment concluded, I have successfully used the muddler (which made a solid Old Fashioned). Further, I used the zester and the juicing feature to complete a Blue Apron meal. The possibilities with this tool are endless.

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