The Uncommon Life

Uncommon Personalities: Meet Tanya Castin

July 6, 2017

Tanya Castin, Uncommon Goods Human Resources Business Partner

My hometown is…
Kissimmee, FL

My favorite project I’ve worked on at UncommonGoods so far is…
By far, getting involved with RAINN has been the most meaningful work that I have done while at UG.

My guilty pleasure is…
Law and Order SVU.

An uncommon fact about me…
I am the second of 6 siblings, and my parents didn’t give me a middle name. And yes, all my siblings have one.

My favorite place to hang out in New York City is…
I recently visited the yoga studio Urban Ansas and it’s an absolute treasure. I’m still finding favorites and currently working my way through this list of places to check out.

Something that always makes me laugh is…
Listening to the 2 Dope Queens.

The best gift I’ve ever given is…
The New York Times Custom Birthday Book. Hands down.

Would You Rather… Go without music or go without a smartphone for 6 months?
Music, only because I listen to podcasts more than I listen to music these days.

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