

The Uncommon Life

6 Heatmaps: Beer Guzzlers, Baby Makers, Hipsters & More!

August 16, 2013

Bryan, our Business and Analytics Associate (aka the guy who’s computer screen always looks like The Matrix to most of us) recently stumbled upon a Gothamist article  regarding Yelp creating a hipster heat map. (Yes. You read that right. A map tracking hipsters. You probably haven’t heard of it.) It’s a map where a digital inkblot pops up and becomes deeper in color on a certain location where reviewers would mention the word “hipster.” Williamsburg was, of course, the deepest and biggest blob Yelp found. But to their surprise, there was a pretty hefty dot on 28th and Broadway, not the most hipster-esque place one would think of. To see if he’d run into any surprises himself,  Bryan decided to have a little fun and create his very own UncommonGoods heat maps using items purchases in select product categories. The topics he touched on were baby makers (baby), beer guzzlers (beer), lovely newlyweds (wedding gifts), and of course he wasn’t about to skip the holy hipsters (hipster).

BEER GUZZLERS: Beer products for our beer lovers.

It’s no surprise that Hoboken and Turtle Bay are full of dudes (and dudettes) who love to chug the brew. They’re prime places for up-and-comers in the business world to start their commute to the financial district. Who doesn’t need a cold one after a long day in finance?


Fargo-Moorhead is also home to a bunch of beer lovers. We figure the extreme temperatures in NoDak and MN are to blame. Hot in the summer? Cool off with a frosty mug of ice cold beer. Freezing in the winter? Enjoy the magical warming properties of alcohol.


LOVELY NEWLYWEDS: Wedding gifts for the lovebirds out there.

Philly sure knows how to put a ring on it. The city of Brotherly Love has couples falling in love left and right.


BABY MAKERS: Baby gifts for the lil’ ones.

San Francisco: the land of love, or just a whole lotta lovin’?

baby makin 3

For all its remoteness, there’s a lot of baby makin’ (or gift-buying) going on in North Pole, Alaska.


 HOLY HIPSTERS: Gifts bought under our “hipster gifts” category. 

Williamsburg loses the hipster crown and hands it over to the Fort Greene & Park Slope area. Want to tell them or shall we?




This post was, appropriately, written by Emily (an “I’m not a hipster” hipster), Bryan (a newlywed), and Cassie (a beer lover originally from Fargo-Moorhead.)

Maker Stories

Katie’s Fern Frond Hoops Take the Win

August 14, 2013


We had over two hundred submissions to our 2013 Jewelry Design Challenge, and although we saw many amazing pieces we wanted to put in our own personal jewelry box, Katie Lime’s Fern Frond Hoops truly stole our judges’ hearts. The design holds a simple elegance for everyday wear, yet Katie’s innovative touch is undeniable. From the mixed metals of brass and sterling silver to the design’s geometric, whimsical shape, these nature-inspired earrings are more than just jewelry. They’re tiny pieces of art. And because it’s no secret that we are such big animal lovers, Katie donating a part of her proceeds to animal shelters was a huge cherry on top. (Details of where she donates to are below the interview.)

Meet Katie Lime, the newest member of our UncommonGoods artist family, and read about her jewelry-making journey from taking classes in high school to creating her very own jewelry company. 


Give us an uncommon fact about you and your hometown. 

An uncommon fact about me is that I’m a Science Fiction/Fantasy fan and a huge Harry Potter nerd. An uncommon fact about Carmel, Indiana is that they absolutely love roundabouts.  There are over 80 of them!

When did you realize that jewelry design was what you wanted to do?  

I took some jewelry classes in high school and absolutely fell in love.  When I went to college for Art History I realized that I could study Metalsmithing and Jewelry Design.  After that first semester in metals I realized it was what I wanted to do so I stayed in school an extra year and double majored in Art History and Metals.


What was the biggest message you took with you when you finished school for metalsmithing? 

I learned to really explore my ideas and to play around with materials.  I learned to not be afraid of trying something new and different and not to be afraid of failure.  I also learned that having a network of peers can be a wonderful resource.  We are very lucky these days to have outlets such as Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter to meet like-minded people who will be there to support, answer questions, share knowledge and constructively critique our work.


When was the moment and how did you feel when you made your first sell?  

I made my first big sale at my senior thesis show in a formal gallery setting.  The necklace that sold was a big show stopping piece, not really all that functional but more sculptural.  It felt great!  It gave me confidence in my work and made me feel like I was headed in the right direction.

We love your earrings, but we also love the amazing fact that you donate to two animal shelters. When was the moment that you decided this was going to be something you would be a part of?

My boyfriend and I have rescued three dogs in our adult lives.  They are the sweetest, most loving and giving souls in this world and we don’t know what we would do with out them.  I wanted to do more for other animals in need, so I started donating money from my company.


What inspires you the most when you create your designs? 

I am inspired by the natural world surrounding me.  I like to examine all the beautiful and small things in our world and take inspiration from them.  I’m also inspired by all the people in my daily life and all the makers in this world who create for a living.

What’s your favorite part of the design process?

I love creating new designs, playing around with new ideas and making pieces with gemstones.  I also really enjoy working on custom pieces for my customers.  I love that I’m creating something just for them!

How exactly was Moira K. Lime Jewelry born?  

When I moved to Chicago I was designing and producing for another jeweler and creating my own jewelry in my spare time.  I realized that I could really make a living off of my designs when my work started to sell consistently and I began running out of time to make my own creations.  It’s great to be able to be your own boss and create things that you like for other people to cherish.


Creative people all have those days (or weeks!) when we feel unmotivated, lost, or stuck. What do you usually do when you catch yourself in this frustrating rut?  

I usually step away from my studio and give myself some time off to get that creative mojo flowing again.  I’ll also go for day trips, hikes, or places in the city that inspire me.

Are there any interesting future projects you’re pursuing or currently working on? 

I’ve always dreamed of opening my own storefront/showroom/workshop space.  I’d like to use the space as my working studio, a place to meet customers to work on custom designs, a small show room and a place to teach workshops.  I’m really hoping to make this happen one day soon!


If you could give away one of your secrets to all those who want to win a design challenge, which secret would it be?  

Be yourself and your designs will be truly unique and eye catching.

If you’re inspired to read more about Katie’s favorite animal shelters, visit Chicago Pit Stop RescuePAWS Chicago, and One Tail at a Time


6 DIY Projects For Your Home Sweet Home

August 8, 2013

I recently moved into an adorable brownstone in Brooklyn, and as much as I love my faux fireplace against a brick wall and my fabulous French double doors, I admit that my white walls are currently screaming for attention and my shelves are yearning for some sweet, sweet lovin’. Before I moved back to NYC, I was traveling for a few years and I never got a real chance to make my home a real home that reflected my personality while living abroad. This was due to the fact that I was either stuck inside a tiny chambre de bonne in Paris or my toilet was less than a foot away from my shower-head in South Korea. (Yes, everything got wet whenever I showered. I still shudder when I think about it.) One of the reasons why I moved back to the states was because I wanted my love of home décor to go beyond the limits of the space of a shoe box, and to ignite my dying creative spirit through endless tribal-print toss pillows and painted mason jars. Now that I’m finally in a decent sized apartment, it’s time to tackle a few do-it-yourself projects to spruce up my living space and to finally cross out “Decorate my home to make the holy Martha Stewart jealous” off my bucket list. Below are my top 6 ideas I’ve found online (AKA: procrastinating on Pinterest) that I hope to complete before the end of summer. They’re fun, easy, and won’t break the bank!

Wine cork magnets

1. Wine Cork Magnets – For my severe love of red wine and DIY projects that take under 30 minutes to complete, these wine cork magnets made it to the very top of my list. I open my fridge every day, and even though half the time the inside is empty, at least these adorable wine corks will have me feeling quite sophisticated. (And okay with myself that the groceries weren’t done for the week.)

Continue Reading…


Winter Accessory Design Challenge

July 29, 2013

UncommonGoods Winter Accessory Design ChallengeWe know we’re right smack dab in the middle of the summer, and the last thing on anyone’s mind are scarves, mittens, earmuffs, or beanies, but we still need your entries! The Winter Accessory Design Challenge ends in a few days and we want everyone who knits, crochets, and sews to share their designs with us to have a chance to win $500 and a vendor contract with UncommonGoods!

To submit your winter designs and for the complete contest rules visit our Winter Accessory Design Challenge page.

UPDATE: Extending the Winter Accessory Design Challenge 12 more days! The deadline is now officially on August 11th at 11:59pm. Happy knitting!