

The Uncommon Life


October 18, 2010

Too many of us have very personal reasons — our mothers, wives, daughters, families and friends — to support organizations like RAINN (Rape Abuse & Incest National Network) that provide services to victims of sexual violence. I have two: my mother and my wife, both of whom were raped but only one of whom survived.

In 1974, my mother was raped and murdered in our home. My three-year-old sister Amy and I were fortunate to have our grandparents living close by. They were there to pick us up from the police station, and to care for and lovingly raise us. Not all victims of sexual violence have such ready assistance for the short-term immediate care and long-term healing that is necessary in the aftermath of sexual violence. It is a violence whose effects tear through families and communities. RAINN recognizes this and provides such support.

I believe you should vote for RAINN to become our next Better to Give partner not only because there simply are no other organizations like RAINN, but also because the work RAINN does remains tragically necessary. This is how RAINN describes its own mission:

RAINN (The Rape Abuse & Incest National Network) operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1.800.656.HOPE and the National Sexual Assault Online Hotline at rainn.org, and publicizes the hotline’s free, confidential services; educates the public about sexual assault; and leads national efforts to prevent sexual assault, improve services to victims and ensure that rapists are brought to justice.

Why support RAINN this holiday season? RAINN seeks to raise awareness about sexual violence and make it easier for survivors to come forward by providing direct services and advocacy. The folks at RAINN ask that you vote to give victims of sexual violence the gifts of hope and healing this holiday season.

As my wife Mary and I have discussed our shared past experiences with sexual violence, we often think about how we might help others and about what is most needed by surviving victims. Mary is a strong supporter of my advocacy for RAINN to join UncommonGoods’ Better to Give program, and made this extremely relevant and ultimately practical point: while there are many, many worthy causes to support, so long as sexual violence remains part of all our lives, RAINN’s work is absolutely necessary. And if not them, who would do this essential work for and on behalf of survivors? We hope you will join us by either voting to support RAINN, or donating to them directly at https://donate.rainn.org/

Thomas Epting
UncommonGoods Chief Operating Officer + Creative Director