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The Uncommon Life

What Did the Ketchup Say?

May 19, 2011

What did the ketchup say?

You guys have squeezed out some great quotes, and we need help picking the winner of our latest caption contest.

We’ve narrowed it down to our favorite five, so leave a comment letting us know which caption you want to see featured on our website!

1.) “The ketchup is rushing to my head!”- Denise Doldron
2.) “Mustard beat me to the burger, I’m just trying to ketchup.”- Jennifer Meehan
3.) “Don’t squeeze me, bro!”- Alyson M. Olander
4.) “Wait, wait, I can’t see what I’m doing.”-Nancy J Fedder
5.) “Oooh-hoo-hoo, that TICKLES!” – Jen Fletcher

Want a few more good laughs? Check out our facebook page, where you can view all of the entries.


And the Shower Squid Says…

March 9, 2011

This week, we’ve gotten dozens of submissions for our caption contest. Now we need your help to pick the winner.

Here are our favorites so far (but leave a comment if we missed a good one!):

‎1. “No, I won’t wash your back, my hands are full…” — Marcie Kuehl

2. Many hands make light work. — Heather Berkner Stratz

3. Is that a shampoo bottle in your hand or are you just happy to see me? — Lori Humphrey Waller

4. I got this… and that, and that, and that. — Jane Heron Bennington

5. A little dab here, a little squirt there, all clean. — Mike Guessetto

6. “Honey how many oz. can we put in our carry on?” — @mmc67

7. Don’t worry, I’ve got a HAND-le on that– @alas3lads

Leave a comment below to cast your vote!


And The Winner Is…

January 28, 2011

Congrats to Rachel W!

And a warm round of applause for our runners up:

“That’s gonna go straight to your handle.” — Chris B.

“Mug#1: Why the long face?
Mug #2: I’m only half full” — Lauren